While speeding charges may not be the worst charges you could face, they can still prove problematic. Aside from the immediate penalties and consequences a conviction could bring, you should consider how they could affect your overall history. Speeding charges can...
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Traffic Offenses
Is there a fine for driving and texting in Missouri?
Imagine cruising down the scenic roads of Missouri, your favorite tunes playing softly in the background. Suddenly, your phone buzzes with a message. It can be tempting to check the text, but before you reach for your phone, there's a new law you need to know about. ...
What happens if I am caught with an open container in my car?
The consumption of alcohol when operating a motor vehicle is prohibited and can lead to legal consequences. In Missouri, having an open container of alcohol in your vehicle when driving is prohibited and can result in legal action, including fines. What containers...
Stay safer during the 100 deadliest days of summer
The months between the Memorial Day weekend in May and Labor Day in September are collectively referred to as the “100 deadliest days of summer.” While many of us have fond memories of hot summer days spent cruising the back roads or going on family vacations, others...
What is “endangerment of a highway worker” in Missouri?
Fatal highway work zone crashes reached an all-time high last year, according to the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT). Thirty-five people were killed in these crashes in our state. These work zones can be highly dangerous because too often, drivers don’t...
Missouri’s “hands-free” law is starting off with a warning period
Missouri remained among the states with no law against using a hand-held cellphone while driving until last year. While the new “hands-free” took effect last summer, Missourians have had a long time to adjust their behavior before actually being cited for talking or...
What are the consequences for leaving the scene of a crash?
It’s never smart to leave the scene of a vehicle crash without at least checking to see what kind of damage or injuries to others occurred. Unfortunately, people do it all too often. Sometimes, they simply panic – especially if they know they were in the wrong. In...
What constitutes reckless driving in Missouri?
Some traffic violations are more serious than others. Someone who exceeds the posted speed limit, for example, would typically only need to worry about paying a fine. If an infraction leads to a crash, then there could be additional consequences. Yet, some traffic...
How much does a Missouri traffic ticket cost?
Getting a traffic ticket is a frustrating and embarrassing experience for the average motorist. No one wants to show up late to work because they get pulled over for driving too fast or failing to use their turn signal. When it does happen, drivers are usually eager...
2 more traffic errors that can cause big tickets
Make no mistake, driving comes with rules; a lot of rules. And with so many rules to master and obey, it’s no surprise that keeping up with what is legal and what is illegal can be a daunting task. However, even when you consider certain traffic violations, the law...